Girl in a jacket


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More book recommendations. i haven't read these yet they are my tbr list

Half A Lion

Girl in a jacket

You can get it on Amazon Click Here

Flesh Rehearsal

Girl in a jacket

You can get it on Amazon Click Here

The Escape Room

Girl in a jacket

You can get it on Amazon Click Here

The Obsession

Girl in a jacket

You can get it on Amazon Click Here

The Girl Who Was Supposed To Die

Girl in a jacket

You can get it on Amazon Click Here

Doodle prompts

28 Questions, 28 Days

Click here for the questions
1. The Zombie Apocalypse. Who are you going to rescue?
2. If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
3. Describe yourself as a person using objects you own. For example, if your music lover answers, I am earphones.
4. Should I get a pet goldfish? Answer the pros and cons of getting this simple pet.
5. You hear the words “I want” what was the first thing that came into your head.
6. Do you want fun and excitement or routine (which is just fun) and comfort?
7. The last seven days have been?
8. You meet an alien. They cannot speak any human language and can only communicate via happy memories, which memory would share with them?
9. What is your self care routine? It doesn't have to a hot bath and candles type thing. What is your self care routine that works for you as individual? if you don't have one create one.
10. What do you want to talk about today?
11. You and your friends are invited on an epic quest, which friends are you taking?
12. My favorite way to spend the day is . . .
13. What makes you laugh?
14. What are 14 facts about yourself?
15. What do you need to hear right now?
16. What was the last nice thing you did for someone?
17. Who in your life would you happily shove into a crowd of Zombies to get eaten? Why are you keeping them in your life?
18. “I’ll be happy when…”?
19. Do you verbalise things you are unhappy about enough?
20. What's something you want to learn?
21. Write 21 words to describe the last week, what word stands out most to you?
22. What boundaries do you set in life in your relationships? What walls do you need let down?
23. What is your love language?
24. What are the 3 most important qualities you look for in a friend?
25. What are 5 questions do you want to ask yourself?
26. When was the last time you did something just for you?
27. What compliment do you like to hear the most? What compliment do you need to hear the most?
28. What 14 things in your life do you want to keep the same? What 14 things in your life do you want to change in your life?

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